
How To Delete Multiple Bookmarks On Iphone

How to Manage & Delete Boomarks in Safari on iPhone

If you own an iPhone or iPad, chances are, you use Safari to browse the internet. It comes pre-installed on all iOS and iPadOS devices and it just works flawlessly. Like any other web browser, Safari allows you to bookmark countless web pages that you scroll through, and it even syncs them across all your Apple devices using iCloud.

Although bookmarking is a pretty basic feature today, most people don't really seem to utilize it properly. Keeping your bookmarks organized is key, especially if you browse through hundreds of web pages on a daily basis. Every web browser handles bookmarks slightly differently, but you'll be pleased to know it's fairly simple to manage bookmarks in Safari.

If you are looking to learn how you can keep your bookmarks organized on your iPhone or iPad, then read on to learn how you can manage and delete bookmarks in Safari on iPhone & iPad.

How to Manage & Delete Bookmarks in Safari on iPhone & iPad

Safari makes it easy to organize your bookmarks with the help of folders. For example, if you wanted to manage all your bookmarks for tech-related web pages, you could create a folder and group them all in one place. Interested? Without further ado, let's take a look at the necessary steps.

  1. Open "Safari" from the home screen of your iPhone or iPad.

    Safari Icon

  2. Tap on the "Bookmarks" icon which is located right next to the Tabs icon.

    How to Manage & Delete Boomarks in Safari on iPhone

  3. Tap "Edit" located at the bottom-right corner of the screen.

    How to Manage & Delete Boomarks in Safari on iPhone

  4. Now, tap any of the bookmarks that you want to move around for keeping it organized.

    How to Manage & Delete Boomarks in Safari on iPhone

  5. Under Location, you'll notice that the bookmark you just selected is stored in the Bookmarks folder, which is Safari's default location for storing bookmarks. In order to change this location, tap on the folder name, which is "Bookmarks" in this case.

    How to Manage & Delete Boomarks in Safari on iPhone

  6. Now, you'll have the option to move the bookmark to Favorites section or you can create a new folder. Since your intention is to group multiple bookmarks under one folder to keep it organized, simply tap "New folder".

    How to Manage & Delete Boomarks in Safari on iPhone

  7. Type in a preferred name for the folder and tap "Save".

    How to Manage & Delete Boomarks in Safari on iPhone

  8. Now, you'll notice the newly created folder under location. Simply tap "Done" on the keyboard to confirm the move.

    How to Manage & Delete Boomarks in Safari on iPhone

  9. As you can see below, the bookmark that we selected has been moved to the new folder. If you want to delete any of the bookmarks or bookmark folders in this list, simply tap on the red "-" icon right next to the name of the bookmark. Once you're done, tap "Done" at the bottom right corner of the screen.

    How to Manage & Delete Boomarks in Safari on iPhone

Now you should have a better idea and understanding on how to go about managing and deleting bookmarks within Safari on your iPhone and iPad.

If you use iCloud, you'll notice that all these changes have synced across all your Apple devices once you switch between them too, including between Mac, iPhone, and iPad devices, as long as they're all using the same Apple ID.

Accessing certain web pages become a lot more convenient with the help of bookmarks, as it eliminates the need to scrounge through your browsing history to find that one link you're looking to access. For example, if you're trying to track your shipment on Amazon, you could simply bookmark the web page, so you don't have to enter your tracking number every single time you visit their site for updates.

By default, Safari has a favorites folder that stores some of your favorite web pages as bookmarks and displays them as icons in the homepage. If you were to move your bookmarks to this folder, you'll be able to access them right as you open the browser. Adding web pages to Safari's favorite section is fairly simple and similar as well.

On the other hand, frequently visited sites are automatically organized by Safari depending on your browsing history, but they can be deleted if you don't want it to display certain websites.

Did you manage to organize all your bookmarks with the help of folders in Safari on your iPhone and iPad? How do you feel about the way Safari handles Bookmarks on iOS? Are Bookmarks really something you use on a daily basis? Let us know what your experience and thoughts are in the comments.

How To Delete Multiple Bookmarks On Iphone


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